Welcome Bineta !
OZG expands its team in Senegal. Bineta, an electromechanical engineer by training, also holds a master’s degree in business communication and in management/marketing. She has almost a decade of experience in the renewable energy sector. She won the African Bioful and Renewable Energy Agency (ABREC) award at the 6th International Renewable Energy and Energy Efficiency Exhibition in Africa (SIERA 2015) and was a laureate at the Initiatives Climat Afrique Francophone (ICAF) at COP 23 in Bonn in 2017.
In addition to coordinating socio-economic activities for OZG, Bineta intends to continue her fight to protect the environment and combat the harmful effects of climate change. She intends to make every effort to support inclusive development through reforestation and to guide the association towards a better allocation of the actions carried out by the populations concerned.