Sowing Season 2023

Afforested Plots in 2023

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In Senegal, this year, Lignaverda does reforestation on a total of 2125 ha in 4 sites. Two of them (Diéry and Wendou Delby) are close to the Mbar Toubab sites that were afforested in 2020. The others are in Labgar, situated more to the east. All sites are within the Linguère Department of the Louga region; Wendou Delby and Diéry are situated in the Yang Yang arrondissement, whereas Labgar is situated in the Dodji Department. For Wendou Delby and Labgar 3, the following seed amounts (kg) (either obtained from trees or collected from manure in goat pens) have been collected.

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Seeds of some species (Faidherbia albida, Piliostigma reticulatum, Acacia senegal, Acacia mellifera) were not available in sufficient quantities and were bought from Senegal’s National Programme for Forestry Seeds (PRONASEF).

In Wendou Delby, villagers from 7 villages participated in seed and manure collection: Mouthiétégal 1, Mouthiétégal 2, Wendou Delby, Ndiayenne Dakkar, Keur Ndary, Bowdé Gobel, and Bogguel Thilé.

In Labgar 3 (Gaydoum), villagers from 11 villages participated in seed and manure collection: Labgar Thianor 1, Labgar Thianor 2, Labgar Wolof 1, Labgar Wolof 2, Labgar Wolof 3, Labgar Wolof 4, Labgar Wolof 5, Labgar Maure 1, Labgar Maure 3, Baddé 1 and Ngaydoum 1. In the Labgar villages, 35 women and 11 men, among which 31 mothers, 8 fathers and 7 other family members have been involved in seed and manure collection.
Sowing will be performed according to the below schedule

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Two fencing approached are used this year. In Labgar 1 & 2 we will construct 18,100 m of fence for the two 500 ha plots (different length because of different shape).
In Wendou Delby and Diéry, material was purchased from a supplier in Dakar (PrimoPress), whereas the work is being executed by independent workers that were contracted by Lignaverda. In total this contracted labour force will construct 19,000 m of fence for the plots in Wendou Delby and Diéry, respectively.